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Showing results 8153 to 8172 of 10843
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- wire drawing, plastic deformation, texture, recrystallization 1
- Wire- steel- texture- recrystallization 1
- Wireless Local Networks (WLAN), WiFi, Medium Access Control (MAC), Location Privacy, Decentralized Algorithm, Entropy, Quality of Service (QoS), Video Streaming 1
- Wireless Sensor Networks, Medium Access Control, Formal Modelling, Formal Verification, Statistical Model Checking, Stochastic Timed Automata, Energy Harvesting, Mobility. 1
- Wogonine, Activité cytotoxique, QSAR, MLR, LOO. 1
- woman 1
- Word2vec 1
- words: 1
- work pressure, workload, organizational structure, physical work environment, job performance. 1
- work stress 1
- work stress , job performance, working woman 1
- work stress- job performance 1
- workability 1
- Write scripts, files, Matrix Laboratory, computation and visualization, computers 1
- writen comprehension, assessment mechanisms, teaching methods. 1
- Writing skill, slang, EFL students, linguistic 1
- Writing, first year primary students, calligraphy, spelling, difficulties, learning 1
- written expression - linguistic links - difficulties - Students 1
- Written Production , Language , skill 1
- Wurtzite 1