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Showing results 5189 to 5208 of 10843
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- N-doped Co3O4 thin films, pneumatic spray method (PSM), weight percentages of N (WPN), spinel cubic structure (SCS), X-ray diffraction (XRD). 1
- n-InP 1
- NaCl, Orge 1
- Nagorno Karabakh Conflict, South Caucasus, US foreign policy 1
- Nanofiltration 2
- nanofluides 1
- Nanoparticule 1
- Nanoparticules 1
- Naphtol Bleu Black 1
- nappe 2
- nappe alluviale 1
- Nappe Phr atique 1
- narration, description, characters, events, artistic impact 1
- Narrative discourse, Aesthetics, Cinematic film, Narrative semiology, Image semiology. 1
- Narrative discourse, Television advertising 1
- narrative features, characters, time, place, event, novel. 1
- national identity 1
- National savings 1
- natural Bentonite 1
- natural enemies 1