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dc.contributor.authorنعيمة, بوشمال-
dc.contributor.authorخرفي, ابتسا م-
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The public employée is the main element in the state and the main driver of administrative activity. By virtue of the relationship between the employée and the administration, he is assigned rights and duties, which through his practice may be in error that may cause damage to others. The responsibility is the obligation of the employée within the limits of the law, to bear the consequences and consequences of his negligence, or to hold him accountable for any particular act or behavior that is against the law. The responsibility of the staff member when receiving gifts is based on the error of the staff member. In this regard, the employee may be subject to three types of civil, criminal and disciplinary liability, depending on the type of fault committed. The personal responsibility of the public official has a different effect depending on the type of liability.en_US
dc.subjectpublic servant -–en_US
dc.subjectthe responsibilityen_US
dc.subjectgifts -en_US
dc.subjectCivil responsibilityen_US
dc.subjectCivil responsibilityen_US
dc.subjectdisciplinary responsibility.en_US
dc.titleمسؤولية الموظف عن تلقي الهداياen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques (FDSP)

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