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dc.contributor.authorحلوي, فاتح-
dc.descriptionجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to identify the agenda of El-Khabar daily newspaper when it comes public issues and its compatibility with the public agenda. Our research problem stems from the major role played by the newspaper during the unique period of 2019 and 2020 in Algeria; a period of a socio-political popular movement (El-Hirak) that led to several changes and shifts on various levels including media and communication. For the purpose of this study, El-Khabar newspaper was selected due to several professional considerations; it represents an independently-owned entity which grants it a level of immunity towards external pressures that could jeopardize its coverage of the socio-political issues that are of interest to Algerians during such a unique period. The premise of this study stems from the following main question: What is the nature of the relationship between El-Khabar’s agenda and the public agenda concerning public issues? This work is based on the principles of Agenda-setting theory and relies on a descriptive analytical approach. It deploys two research tools that are namely a content analysis form and a questionnaire. The former deals with content published between September 2019 and February 2020, which matches our study period and consists of 23 issues. The questionnaire pertains mostly to the practical part of the study and consists of paper copies distributed among 200 individuals during the period of the analytical sample.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectplan of take decision- 5 wilayas – triangular parameters and indicaters- educators.en_US
dc.title) جـــودة مقايـيـس التكــويـن و دورهـــا فــي الأداء الوظـيـفــي للمـربـيـن المـوظـفيــن بمـؤسســات الشبــاب دراسـة ميـدانيـة عـلـى بـعــض الـولايات بالـجـزائـر. Doctoral thesis, université-biskra.en_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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