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dc.description.abstractThis note includes a study of the relationship between technology and philosophy at Habermas, the contemporary German philosopher, by referring to his philosophical and subjective references،Especially the Frankfurt Monetary School and its experience with its philosophers, which made it a distinguished philosopher and deserved to be seen. On the basis of that experience, Habermas views technology as a dialectical view, as it is an urgent need and linked to scientific development،Thus, with the values of modernity and civilizational and human progress, and on the other hand, it constitutes an obstacle to the liberal communicative mind, which rejects its negative consequences for human life،With its ideological and political domination and blatant interference in a person's biological and intellectual life.en_US
dc.subjectPhilosophy, technology, modernity, rationality, ideology, interesten_US
dc.subjectphilosophie, technologie, modernité, rationalité, idéologie, intérêten_US
dc.titleالفلسفة و العقل التقني عند يورغن هابرماسen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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