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dc.contributor.authorندى_بن_عمر, راضية_بكاري-
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to identify the factors leading to cheating in exams from the perspective of the university student, since the phenomenon of cheating is considered one of the biggest causes of scientific backwardness and killing the spirit of honest competition among learners, and one of the causes of the deterioration of the system of values and other negative repercussions of this phenomenon on the individual and society, and from Therefore, our study came to try to understand and explain this phenomenon, and for that the following main question was raised What are the most important factors leading to cheating in exams from a university student's point of view ? This question includes the following sub-questions: - What are the most important subjective factors leading to cheating in university exams from the university student's point of view ? - What are the most important educational factors leading to cheating in university exams from the university student's point of view ? In order to answer these questions, we followed a set of methodological procedures, as we relied on the descriptive survey approach and used an electronic questionnaire form as the main tool for data collection. The study was conducted on a sample of 114 male and female students from a second-year master's degree in sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Muhammad Kheidar University Biskra, and based on that, the study reached a number of results: - The most important subjective factors leading to cheating in university exams are the lack of a suitable atmosphere for study, students imitating each other, family pressure, lack of sufficient preparation for the exam material, poor level of the student, desire to succeed without Make an effort Easy to get the point without effort. As for the most important educational factors leading to cheating in university exams, it was the nature of the test questions, the negligence of the observers and professors during the exam, the difficulty of the curriculum, the failure to report cases of cheating, the large number of standards, the lack of application of deterrent penalties in the university, the lack of consideration for individual differences, and based on it and from In order to confront cheating, and treat it, students must be informed that cheating behavior is religiously, educationally and educationally bad behavior that must be avoided, while providing a suitable family and educational environment for the student with good preparation for the test, and encouragement to diligence and diligence without pressure, as well as paying attention to the impact of friends, all of this is necessary from In order to reduce the spread of this phenomenon and its negative impacten_US
dc.titleالعوامل المؤدية لمغش في الإمتحانات الجامعية مغ وجهة نطر طلبة علم إجتماع جامعة بسكرةen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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