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dc.description.abstractOur descriptive study entitled “Organizational climate and its impact on organizational action” came as a “field study at the Social Security Corporation - a central agency - in the city of Biskra”, which aims to reveal how the dimensions of the organizational climate, such as organizational structure, organizational leadership and the nature of the institution’s work, affect organizational action. The study consists of the following main question: How does the organizational climate of the institution affect the direction of the organizational action of the actors in the Social Security Corporation in Biskra? The following sub-questions were included: 4) How does the organizational structure of the institution affect the organizational action in the Social Security Corporation in Biskra? 5) How does organizational leadership affect directing organizational action towards achieving the organizational goal within the Social Security Institution in Biskra? 6) How does the nature of the institution's work affect the organizational action in the Social Security Institution in Biskra? In addition to the objectives of the study, which are represented in the following: 1) This study aims to identify the prevailing organizational climate in the social security institution, and the importance of paying attention to auxiliary factors to provide an appropriate organizational climate to direct organizational actions towards achieving organizational goals. 2) To identify the underlying relationship between the organizational structure and the organizational act and to what extent the variables of the organizational structure affect the organizational actors within the social security institution. 3) Identifying the impact of the prevailing leadership style on directing organizational actors and controlling their organizational actions in the Social Security Institution. 4) Recognizing the nature of the work of the Social Security Institution because of its profound impact on the prevailing organizational processes. The analytical descriptive approach was relied upon and the questionnaire tool was used to achieve the objectives of the study, as it consisted of two axes: an axis related to the personal data of the sample members consisting of 5 phrases, and the second axis related to how the dimensions of the organizational climate affect organizational action, as it included 35 phrases. This questionnaire was given to members of the research community through a comprehensive survey, where 124 questionnaires were distributed and 87 of the total members of the research community were retrieved. After conducting statistical operations using the SPSS program and obtaining frequency tables and percentages in addition to the arithmetic averages and standard deviations and calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient to know the strength of the relationship between the two variables, where the data were analyzed statistically and sociologically, where it was confirmed that there is a positive correlation for the dimensions of the organizational climate represented by the organizational structure , organizational leadership, and the nature of the institution's work, although the effect was very weak, as the first and third sub-hypotheses were accepted and the second sub-hypothesis was rejected, and this outweighed the validity of the main hypothesis between acceptance and rejection.en_US
dc.subjectالمناخ التنظيمي، الفعل التنظيمي، الهيكل التنظيمي، النمط القيادي، طبيعة عمل المؤسسةen_US
dc.titleالمناخ التنظيمي وأثره على الفعل التنظيميen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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