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dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to identify the level of digital culture among information specialists in university libraries, by examining the study sample's awareness of the concept of digital culture. The study sample, consisting of (13) information specialists in university libraries, was chosen. In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions, the questionnaire tool was used, as its paragraphs consisted of the personal data of the respondents and three axes of questions. In this study, we relied on the descriptive approach through a qualitative approach that enabled us to reach results of scientific and important value. The results of the study showed that there is a clarity of the concept of digital culture among the majority of the study sample and another group that is required to improve the level. In this regard, the results of the study revealed that the level of digital culture has a positive impact on improving the performance of libraries. and capabilities needed.en_US
dc.subjectDigital culture, information specialist, university libraries, culture.en_US
dc.titleالثقافة الرقمية لدى أخصائي المعلومات بالمكتبات الجامعية-دراسة ميدانيةen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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