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dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to assess the psychological content of Early Recollections ERs of depressed woman. To achieve this objective, we choose the clinical approach, and we applied a case study method. We applied a set of clinical examination tools including: the semi-guided clinical interview and the Lifestyle Questionnaire which contains the following axes (early recollections and dreams, as well as family constellation and psychological birth order). We applied on two cases diagnosed with depression by a psychiatrist. We concluded that:  The content of early recollections “ERs” in our depressive cases contains a specific content that begins with situations in which the case lives very pleasant situations on which she attaches great hopes and puts all its psychological energy into it. But suddenly, these happy situations turn into their opposite conditions.Then, the case experiences failure, collapse, and brokenness that leads her to a state of sadness, regret, and loss of desire to live, brief, to depressive responses.en_US
dc.titleالمحتوى النفسي للذكريات الباكرة لدى المرأة المصابة بالاكتئابen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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