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dc.descriptionتخصص: إدارة استراتيجيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to clarify the role of strategic flexibility in achieving excellent performance in the maintenance branch of Sonatrach Company in Biskra. In order to reach the desired goals and address the research problem, the study utilized various sources of theoretical information. As for the practical aspect, a questionnaire consisting of 30 statements was designed and distributed to a sample of 45 participants. Data was collected, analyzed, and hypotheses were tested using the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS.V20), which included the use of descriptive statistical measures and methods. The study concluded several key findings. Firstly, the level of strategic flexibility in the maintenance branch of Sonatrach Company in Biskra was found to be high, indicating the management's focus on adopting and practicing strategic flexibility in reality. Additionally, the dependent variable of excellent performance was also found to be at a high level in the studied institution, which can be attributed to its continuous support for various renewal and development processes at different levels and in various domains. This, in turn, has led to quick responsiveness to environmental changes, low costs, employee satisfaction, and service quality. The results also revealed a statistically significant relationship between strategic flexibility and achieving excellent performance in the maintenance branch of Sonatrach Company in Biskra, which will be further interpreted in the study's conclusion. Based on the findings, the study proposes several recommendations. Firstly, the organization should prioritize its human resources and their competencies as one of the most important internal and intangible resources that support and influence its performance levels. It is necessary to train human resources in dealing with unexpected changes through their formation, training, and development of their competencies, while benefiting from contemporary managerial approaches and inputs to discover opportunities and achieve excellence in all aspects of organizational performance. Additionally, it is important to ensure employee satisfaction and to maintain and improve service quality.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectstrategic flexibility, excellent performance, leadership, service quality, employee satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectالكلمات المفتاحية: المرونة الاستراتيجية، الأداء المتميز، القيادة، جودة الخدمة، رضى العاملينen_US
dc.titleدور المرونة الاستراتيجية في تحقيق الأداء المميز دراسة حالة مؤسسة سوناطراك (مديرية الصيانة بسكرةen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion (FSECSG)

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