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dc.descriptionتخصص: إدارة استراتيجيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to find out whether there is an effect of organizational values on challenging the strategic direction in Saba Dor Mills - Biskra. In this study, we relied on the descriptive approach, and in the field study, we relied on the interview, questionnaire tool, and institution documents to collect data, and we reached a number of results, the most important of which are:  There is an effect of organizational values on determining the strategic direction in Saba Dor Mills - Biskra  There is an impact of organizational values on customer orientation and competitors orientation in Saba Dor Mills  There is no effect of organizational values on the orientation towards technology and the orientation towards innovation in Saba Dor Mills- Biskra The study came up with a number of proposals, the most important of which are: Saba Mills should pay attention to the external and internal diagnosis of the environment in which it operates, and pay more attention to survey studies for customers, such as relying on marketing research to get to know more about the customers of the sector in orientation which it operatesen_US
dc.publisherجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectorganizational values, strategic orientation, customer orientation, competitor orientation, technology orientation, creativity orientationen_US
dc.subjectالكلمات المفتاحية: القيم التنظيمية، التوجه الاستراتيجي، التوجه نحو الزبائن، التوجه نحو المنافسين، التوجه نحو التكنلوجيا التوجه نحو الإبداع.en_US
dc.titleأثر القيم التنظيمية في تحديد التوجه الاستراتيجي للمؤسسة دراسة حالة: في مؤسسة مطاحن صابا دور –بسكرة-en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion (FSECSG)

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