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dc.description.abstractIn ourstudy, devoted to school life, itsrequirements and itsrelationshipwith the educationalprocess in the primaryeducation system in terms of impact, both positive and negative, westartedfrom the problem of knowing if demands of school life have an impact on the schoollearningprocess? Whichincluded (partial) sub-questions on the impact of school administration in itsvarious dimensions on the process of educationallearning as one of the pillars of school life as well as on the existingrelationshipbetween the social partners and the educational institution and the extent of the impact of thisrelationship on the teachingwork by definingthisrelationship and its nature The sameapplies to the interactive relationships And the physical conditions of the educational institutions and their impact on the teaching-learningprocess for the teacher as well as for the learnerWhere aspects related to school administration have been reviewed in terms of the nature and style of supervision and the factorscontrollingitssuccess or failure, which have a direct impact on school life and the educationalprocesswith all itselements. Business manager. The focus on the social partners as actors in school life wasalsoreviewed, whereitwasnoted the absence and absence of theirrole and a great reluctance on their part to participate in organizedactivities by the Foundation, such as hearing sessions, schoolcouncils, and Foundationprojectpreparation sessions for reforms. The educationalcommunitywitnessed by Algeriasince 2003 has accorded the members of the educationalcommunity a large place with regard to the roleassigned to them, as is the case in the countries of the world, but despitethis, the Algerian school has still not benefitedfrom the experiences and skills of the partners, facilitated by the Parents' Association, soschoolofficials must adopt a pragmaticapproach to managing the externalenvironment to exploit all the possible resources, with regard to the physicaldemands of school life, and despite the shortcomingsnoted in certain areas, in general, the requiredschooling conditions are adequatethanks to the efforts made by thoseresponsible for the system Algerian education in through the completedschoolequipment and the structures attached to themsuch as choolcanteens, schoollibraries, practice spaces sports, heating networks, automated media laboratories, detection and health monitoring units. In the area of interactive relations, despite the limited communication and communication with the partners of the institution, the communication between the parties in the educationalprocessisdominated by interaction, mutual respect, employmentstability and absence of causes of instability in the institutions, except for some aspects that must beactivated, which are mainlyrepresented in greateropennesswith the exploitation of social networks and the activation of solidarity initiatives thattestify to great absence as a motivating factor for teachers and learners to take the initiative and advanceteachingwork to the ranksitdeserves, in order to achieve: The foundations of school life are many and play a greatrole in school life, and theirdevelopment and promotion are enough to raise the performance level of the teacher. The development of human relations in the schoolenvironment, in order to achievecooperative social and cognitive interaction in the schoolcommunity. - The physicalspaceis no less important than the rest of the elementsthatmake up the environment or school life. The involvement of experts and specialists, architects and psychologistsisnecessary to add more aesthetics in order to providecomfort to learners inthe first place.Accreditation and familiarizationwithleadingforeignexperiences in the field of school life and didactics are sufficient to provide the complement to the Algerian school, giventhat the theorization of school life in Algeriais few,en_US
dc.publisherجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.titleتمتطلبات الحياة المدرسية وتأثيرها على العملية التعليمية التعلمية – مرحلة التعليم الابتدائي أنموذجا- دراسة ميدانية بالمدارس الابتدائية لولايــــةen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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