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Title: بنية الخطاب الشعري في األدب الموجه للطفل "ديوان الطفل العربي" لحمد سويلم
Authors: بن علية, شيماء
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2018
Abstract: Abstract: This research entitled «the structure of the poetic siscours in the Arab childs discours of Ahmed swilem», consists of an introductory entitled «the structure and formulstion puramid in child littératureand two, chapters of practice werth the first chapter is «languge and the poetic images manifetation the Arab child corpus by Ahmed swilm». the second chapter has the folluringtitle «the rhythme formulation in the Arab child corpus by ahmed swilm».
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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