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Title: دور حدیقة التسلیة السیاحیة -حدائق الزیبان أكوابالم -في التنمیة المحلیة لمدینة بسكرة
Other Titles: تسيير التقنيات الحضرية
Authors: bessahraoui, fatima zohra
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2019
Abstract: In nowadays ,tourismbecome one of the most important fundamentalsonwich the world depends on builduingitsfuture.investment in thissectoris one of the mostpromisingactivitiesthatoffercompetitiveopportunities in the international tourisemmarketthroughitsgoal of achivevingsignificantreturns for the state treasury In thisresearch ,wetried to address one of the tourisminvestmatsintegratedinto the farmework of the tourism by highghtinthe water parklocated in Biskra and ti see the role of thispark in the local developmant of Biskra city. Puring our stady wich is based on the analytical descriptive approch auo based on the questionnaire we faund several problems.the significant one id low number of visitors due to several reasone ,high prices, and then design is not in relation with the habits of society saharian And to solve these problems,we suggested some hypothese such as reducing prices ,and provide a transfer of all this in order to give them the volue of tourism and activate its role inlocal development . Key words:tourism ,local development,tourism invesment,water parks ,entertaiment parks.
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Exactes et des Science de la Nature et de la vie (FSESNV)

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