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dc.contributor.authorNouari, Imadeddine-
dc.description.abstractالملخص أجریت ھذه الرسالة لمناقشة مشكلتین مختلفتین تم طرحھما في إشكالیة البحث، حیث تم تقدیمھما بعد مناقشة موضوعین رئیسیین من الروایة. یتحدث الموضوع الأول عن صراع الثقافات الذي حدث بین المبشرین المسیحیین الأوروبیین وسكان الإیبو الأصلیین، أما الموضوع الثاني فھو یصور الحیاة الیومیة للبطل أوكونكو ، وطرقھ في التعامل مع المشاكل والقضایا التي تواجھھ في حیاتھ الیومیة من بدایتھا الى آخر یوم في حیاتھ. یتم مناقشة كل موضوع وإشكالیتھ المقترحة في فصل منفصل في ھذه الرسالة، حیث یتم تناول ھذه المناقشات عن طریق أسلوبي التفسیر والتحلیل باستخدام مبادئ نظریة النقد ما بعد الاستعماریة. وصلنا خلال ھذا العمل في النھایة إلى ھدفنا الرئیسي وھو إیجاد إجابات وحلول مناسبة لتلك الحالات المذكورة، بدءا بحل الاشكالیة الاولى وھو ان سقوط ھویة السكان الأصلیین قد كان بسبب بعض العیوب ونقاط الضعف الموجودة في تركیبة ثقافتھم، اما حل الاشكالیة الثانیة فھو ان الصرامة والعناد لا یصلحان دائمًا كطرق لحل كل مشكلات الحیاة الیومیة.General Conclusion Achebe, smoothly, initiated his novel with such a wonderful portray to the life of the Umuofian society. By the sequence of the events, he deeply described the sufferings of the native people after the coming of the European Christian missionaries. At the end of the novel, we see that the Umuofian people have lost their identity in addition to Okonkow's big lost to what he believed in. After continues investigations and analysis, we could find solutions to the proposed problematics. This was done in chapter two and three. In each chapter, we have discussed a separate case with its suitable way; we have used postcolonialism (we implemented its steps of analyzing) in chapter two and three to extract the most possible answers for the first and the second problematics. In the second chapter, the answer was finally found. Before we make the final statement, we would like to just remind the reader about the first problematic: which one is the major cause that have made that radical change in the mentality of the Umuofian people, is it because that there are some flaws within their traditions or because of the coming of the Christian missionaries? The answer which was discovered for this question is: it is because there are some flaws within their traditions. So, change has defeated traditions. A quick refresh to the second problematic would be fine to let the reader always be in touch: Is toughness and stubbornness the solution for everything? In the third chapter, the case was closed and the solution was revealed: toughness and stubbornness are not always the solution for everything.en_US
dc.titleChange Vs. Tradition and the Illusion of Power in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebeen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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