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dc.contributor.authorSaid, Mostefa-
dc.description.abstractالملخص تسعى ھذه الدراسة الموسومة بتأثیر العولمة على السیاسة الخارجیة الأمریكیة تجاه الشرق الأوسط بعد أحداث الحادي عشر من سبتمبر خلال الفترتین الرئاسیتین لكل من جورج بوش وباراك أوباما ,للكشف عن الإستراتیجیتین الصلبة والمرنة لكل منھما لتحقیق الأھداف الوطنیة ,حیث طرحنا الإشكالیة التالیة :ما ھو تأثیر العولمة على السیاسة الخارجیة الأمریكیة وما انعكاساتھا على الشرق الأوسط ؟كما طرحنا عدة أسئلة حول ماھیة العولمة واھم مقترباتھا في تنفیذ السیاسة الخارجیة? وكیف أثرت الھیمنة الأمریكیة سلبا على منطقة الشرق الأوسط? ومن أھم فرضیات الدراسة إن الولایات المتحدة الأمریكیة أھداف غیر معلنة تسعى إلى تحقیقھا من خلال نشر وترقیة الدیمقراطیة بالمنطقة ,وعلیھ تھدف الدراسة إلى معرفة مدى نجاح الولایات المتحدة الأمریكیة تحقیق أھدافھا المعلنة والخفیة من خلال تطبیق المنھج التاریخي ,حیث توصلنا إلى فشلھا في تحقیق الأھداف المعلنة بل إنھا حققت أھدافھا غیر المعلنة عن طریق القوة المرنة, كما أنھا تفضل التعامل مع أنظمة شمولیة موالیة لھا على أنظمة دیمقراطیة لا تخدم مصالحھا ,وفي الأخیر یمكن القول ان العولمة قد وفرت للسیاسة الخارجیة الأمریكیة إمكانیات معتبرة مكنتھا من اختراق المنطقة, وخلق تحالفات جیوستراتیجیة لخدمة مصالحھا رغم الانتقادات الموجھة لھا من داخل وخارج الولایات المتحدة. General Conclusion After we completed the analysis of the topic being discussed and handled, we came up with the following conclusions that we will state lately. Based on the literature collected of chapter one and two, we concluded by that America is mainly a country of ideas; it is a country that is based on the accumulation of a set of believes and principles that represent the core of the American society. Principles such as liberty, freedom and equality before are cherished in America by Americans. These same principles form the basis for the American spirit of exceptionality that later shaped most of American foreign policy decisions overseas. First, the exaggerated feeling of exceptionality gave a false justification to most Americans that it is a divine duty from their part to prompt democracy to worldwide and not only monopolize it for themselves. Under the name democracy, which later became a cover for some connotative reasons, the American interference overseas arose and the reason is always 'democracy'. The second conclusion that we reached is that the American foreign policy towards the Middle East, as the region that brought much interest to America, was not innocent. It became noticeable that Americans and the American policy makers and decision makers are practical, they think like businessmen. Whenever they think to be engaged in a project or a war, there should be a solid plan for their engagement that should secure, first the American interests and then their security. These two elements should be given priority all the time, and the other issues are secondary. And since the promotion of democracy in the Middle East is a project like any other project, the plan was set to seek what is beneficial of America. Although, the project proved to have some advantages to the region, it brought more backwards than advantages, especially after the great openness on the west under 'globalization'. This globalization that gave ultimate access to human as well material sources in the Middle East in particular. It is deemed as the Seid 61 soft power. This strategy differed from Bush's, Obama's and Donald Trump's administrations towards the middle East and fighting terrorism there. As far as the Middle East project is concerned, a set of strategies and means were set to achieve the obtained goals in the region. Some strategies are economic and some are, for instance the United Nations, and the Organization of the American States. These economic institutions and others are the economic facade of globalization that is labelled "economic globalization". A since there is an economic side to globalization, there is absolutely a political side.en_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Globalization on the American foreign policy towards Middle East after 911(George Bush and Barack Obama Administrations)en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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