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Title: l'impact de la rétroaction corrective sur le développement de la compétence rédactionnelle chez les apprenants de la classe de fle
Other Titles: didactique des langues et des cultures
Authors: thameur, hana
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2019
Abstract: In our present research, which is part of the didactics of writing in French as a foreign language, proposes to study the impact of corrective feedback on the development of writing skills among the baccalaureate students in the Secondary school of DHEN Mohamed Ben Yahia in Ouled Djellal / Biskra. Our memory is divided into two large parts, one theoretical and the other practical, and each part is divided into two chapters . the purpose of our research is to verify the impact of this strategy on the writings of learners, as well as to know the type of corrective feedback most used by French teachers. In addition, we talked about the error but we focused much more on the correction, in fact , in our experiment we tried to integrate the self-correction made by the learner , with the corrective feedback provided by the teacher to scrutinize the progress. Key words : corrective feedback , teaching of Frensh Forign language, wriling skills , error , correction
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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