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dc.contributor.authorبغامي, كتيبة-
dc.descriptionجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims on Identity of work in organisation Action of work; the study of Field in the Industry Gas unity of batna this study target is to know identity in work place in socio professional through organisational action of work and clearing the real role that representations reorganising its professional relation and building its conscience and knowing its position and knowing its necessity, in building its identity starting from this last contains of experiences and Qualifications entering in social groups actions that reorganise building its space in industrial work. This study aimed in its treatment to this phenomena on the ethnographic method that gave us intensive description on methods that individual deals by occupying in their own experience within their natural environment and the researcher works on its necessity in research through observing and studying the professional language as one of the actional natural avatar and one of the resource of the building professional identity while the deal was on the ego in ethnographical writing report about the final investigating field. Starting from ( I visited ; I was ) to narrating ethnographical on many cases in different periods of times and places exploring period; interviewing period; and finalisation of interviews this way that permitted us to clear the social context of the society and work place in addition to other final Quantitative method to try the researcher understanding the specific characters of socio professional groups Which are special to other groups and its conscience and what it creating of to cultural avatar And the meaning by focusing on few persons (professional categories) to understand their behaviour in nature, and analysing speech method to understand the social contexts in the answers of his professional categories within processes of working in letters saved in researchers language in its narrating structure in addition defining the texts of the interviews and redistribution of its meaning to understand the phenomena however the monographic method helped us to know what contains the professional of personal experiences and representations and opinions reflecting its logical view and we try to recognise of their past and their environment and their life style before starting work and after starting work and the beginning of their professional life and the facts that they lived with to narrative the involving identity. The study deals with a group of 40 by using the social scanning and professionals me for masteries by using some techniques and tools of research; observing by participating the proof of opining interview to some groups CV and the proof of the interview of groups of masteries otherwise to analysing the context method and documents. We have resuming that the fact that the social study of GAS bottle unity of batna moves in systems of action blacklegged through years to socio professional categories and built identities in work place. Solid identities: this kind is in masteries agents and some former professionals ’in spite of hard conditions and work in oppressions they struggle and they have some sense of responsibility and they reflect the group conscience and they feel proud of themselves, and they have the need to protect the society because they believe that it is parts of their world by using in their language the pronoun we and it appears that kind in some degree in high degree professionals. Motivating identities: this kind is in high degree in some high professionals that they need to develop their skills and they carry out to build professional projects and they know their role as intellectuals that cam progress the position of the society and they have positive representations by showing the change government relation of other directions in addition they have a metal view infecting on their reality and logical thought and they give the true meaning of work and its less in masteries agents Identities introverted: it appears frequentative in both masteries agents and frames because it has some meanings that makes it focused on itself; by using the relational capital based on the personal relations and types of traditional and tribal solidarity and practises the elimination of the other. Strategic and rational identities: it appears on frames and it is similar to the negotiating method of Renaud Sainsaulieu where he uses the frames the theoretical position the authority of work positions; to get their own interests and they are the less integrating because of the limits of their professional culture and weakness of their relations and they use I and it appears less in masteries agents that they try to eradicate the technical knowledges. Isolating identities: it appears for both, and it is similar to Renaud Sainsaulieu it studies the declining the imposed situation and it appears some kind of acceptance in its behaviour and it is neutral with others which makes it less integrating and it is holding on religion as a reference. Disturbing identities: it appears in masteries agents because of the psychological and mental troubles; and the continuous work oppression and the hard conditions, which make them feeling losing their identities because they became only bodies without feeling of importance and themselves in work place.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectidentity, the formed identity; the works; the action system; socio-professional categoriesen_US
dc.title(2021) الهوية المتشكلة في العمل في ظل منظومة الفعل التنظيميen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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