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dc.contributor.authorبلواضح, الربيع-
dc.descriptionجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.description.abstractHealth locus of control HLC and social support and their relationship with adherence to treatment physiotherapy in hemiplegic patients following a stroke. Prepared by : Belouadah Rabie supervised by : Pr. Sabah Saad The problem of our reserch is to answer the following questions : is there a relationship between Health locus of control and adherence to treatment physiotherapy in the presence of variant social support. Target community and research sample : The community targeted by our reserch are people with hemiplegia following a stroke who are in physiotherapy rooms in the wilayas (M’sila- Djelfa- Biskra) our sample is made up of 242 individuals research méthodologie and tools : The approach adopted in order to answer the questions and achieve the objectives in a descriptive appoach employing parameters (Health locus of control, social support , adherence to treatment) as tools of study. Results obtained : 1- The results of our research have shown the existance of positive relationship between Health locus of control and adherence to treatment with physiotherapy for hemiplegics following a stroke. 2- The results showed the existance of a positive relationship between social support adherence to treatment with physiotherapy for hemiplegic patients following stroke. 3- We also found a relationship between Health locus of control and the social support of hemiplegics following a stroke. 4- The results of our research have shown that the variant social support plays an intermediate role in the relationship between Health locus of control and adherence to treatment with physiotherapy in hemiplegic patients. Key words : Health locus of control -social support- adherence to treatment physiotherapy-stroke.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectمصدر الضبط الصحي – المساندة الاجتماعية- تقبل العلاج – العلاج الفيزيائي الحركي – الجلطة الدماغيةen_US
dc.title) مصدر الضبط الصحي والمساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتهما بتقبل العلاج الفيزيائي الحركي لدى ) AVC( المصابين بالشلل النصفي الناتج عن الجلطة الدماغية. Doctoral thesis, université-biskra.en_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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