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dc.contributor.authorTIGANE, Samir-
dc.description.abstractThe amount of information available on the Web is increasing in exponential way. This enormous abundance of information has created new challenges for users such as information retrieval, checking credibility of the information and content management ... etc. As for information retrieval, it became more difficult, because of the continual change of Web content: the emergence of new Web sites and pages, changing or deleting theirs contents, etc. In this context, search engines are available to users for helping them to completing their information retrieval process. Unfortunately, these search engines do not take into account the specific character of the user and they treat it as a generic user. Our objective in this work is to propose a document retrieval system based-agents whom focus on the user and takes into account his preferences, behavior and knowledge. Our system is composed of two parts: client and server. Software agents whom are in the client side interact with the user to gather information about his preferences and knowledge, and help him to formulate his need of information in a butter way. Software agents whom are in the server side will use the information collected by agents of the other side to serve the information needs of the user.en_US
dc.subjectRecherche d'information, Document numérique, Système multi-agents.en_US
dc.titleUne approche basée agent pour la recherche de document numériqueen_US
Appears in Collections:Informatique

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