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dc.contributor.authorNumedia KERDOUDI-
dc.description.abstractThe chosen study prioritizes Fitzgerald’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button as a modern literary sample, for it aims to distinguish its most magical realist and Gothic grounds. The necessity of this examination attributes the validity of combining two genres and the perfectibility of their elements. It provides an analytic perspective that resides Modernism and its avenues. The foundation of this research optimizes the use of unique narrative which encompasses The None-Linear Narrative and Transformation, readers on this matter will be able to merge into the author’s sight of reality and how he encourages extraordinary representations like Metamorphosis and the uncanny. Correspondingly, the study analyzes different psychological manifestation that proliferate dark atmospheres; these temperaments are neutralized through characterization and individualism which help the reader anticipate contemporary fragmentation and bear an attitude towards life’s most questionable deals. The study carries out interminable realities of social and personal discussions; it explores fragmented characters that collide with notions of morbidity, love and loss, whereby the main figure struggles to absorb his life and falls into ambivalent status besides endless treats of passivity and abuse.en_US
dc.subjectModernism, Magical Realism, Gothicism, Characters Temperament, None-linear Narrative, Metamorphosisen_US
dc.titleInvestigating Magical Realism and Gothic in Fitzgerald’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (1922)en_US
dc.title.alternativeLiterature and Civilizationen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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