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dc.contributor.authorأميرة_شيتور, شروق_شيتور-
dc.description.abstractThis research dealt with the elements coming to the countries of the Middle Maghreb (2-6 AH / 8-14 AD) and their relationship to the power and the population, Banu Hilal, as a "model", as it represents an important period in the history of the Islamic Maghreb. This research also aims to highlight the extent of the interaction of these incoming elements with the local community and the changes that occurred in it as soon as they set foot on the lands of the Middle Maghreb countries, and we do not see this influence clearly except when the Hilali presence in the second half of the fifth century, which had an impact on the situation The political through the exploitation of the central authority of these tribes for their political and military purposes and personal conflicts, and how they succeeded in the possession of the countryside and its suburbs and fields and their neighborhood with the Berbers of the Middle Maghreb in their homelands, which allowed the emergence of the extent of interaction between the Hilali Arabs and the Berbers at the level of language, intermarriage, customs, traditions, dress and economic activity .en_US
dc.title_ العناصر الوافدة لبلاد المغرب الاوسط (2-6ه 8-14م)وعلاقتها بالسلطة والمجتمع بنو هلال أنموذجاen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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