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DC FieldValueLanguage Zineb DOUHI-
dc.description.abstractIn an EFL context, learners strive to attain mastery in speaking, which is considered the most significant skill among the four. Nevertheless, it is a challenging endeavor. EFL students at the department of English language literature at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra (UMKB) find it difficult to be proficient in speaking, which cause communication breakdowns. Yet, students make efforts to overcome hurdles by using communication strategies. It is for this reason that the current study aimed at casting light on the speaking skill as being crucial, as well as highlighting the common speaking difficulties faced by learners. In addition, the study aimed to run an investigation into the use of strategic competence or what is known as communication strategies for the improvement of the speaking skill. To fulfil the aim of this qualitative research, the study was delimited to second-year students. A sample of 47 students was taken from 353 students, with 4 teachers of oral expression. For the data collection tools, classroom observation with the group of students was conducted in 5 sessions. During the observation, activities, teacher’s prompts and peers’ discussions helped in collecting significant data. Another tool was employed is the teachers’ interview. A semi-structured interview of 8 questions was addressed to teachers in charge of oral expression classes. The findings showed that second year EFL students at UMKB have some problems with practicing the speaking skill, the main ones are: lack of vocabulary and lack of self-confidence. It was further revealed that the students intuitively use communication strategies which helped them in carrying on their discussions. The most used strategies are circumlocution and time-gaining strategies.en_US
dc.subjectThe Speaking Skill – Communicative Competence – Communications Strategies – Strategic Competence.en_US
dc.titleInvestigating the Use of Strategic Competence by EFL Learners to Enhance the Speaking Skill:en_US
dc.title.alternativeEnglish Language Sciences of the languageen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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