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dc.description.abstractPoetry is one of the means of expression, by which poets express their feelings in their poetic purposes in different envirements in Andalusia, we find the poet Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmed Al ansari Al-andalussi, nicknamed Ibn Aljinan, leaving behind him many poems with different porpuses , most of them unfortunatly was lost because of neglecting and the rest were collected in poem collection , he wrote in all of arabic poetry topics except for those that shows his religious behavior and straight believes , so he stayed aways from deviant topics of poetry such as flirtation , satire , dispraise and spraise in a long poems , contain words inspired from holy coran and prophet Muhammed’s sunna , recognized Allah oneness and the message of Muhammed peace be upen him , discribing the situation in which Andalusia become , shed tears and remembering his beloved dead father in such beautiful poetry style with rhythm , words and strong meanings ,leave in the reader’s mind a pleasant feeling and make him listening to it , reminding us the purpose of the our creation in this universe and the destiny that awaits us , all of this with faithful and sincere affection far from falsehood and pretending .en_US
dc.titleبلاغة الصورة البيانية في شعر " ابن الجَنان الأنصاري الأندلسي"en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Lettres et des Langues FLL

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