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Title: دور التربية الإعلامية في مواجهة الجرائم الإلكترونية
Authors: بلي_نعناعة, دلندي_أميرة_فريال
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2023
Abstract: The study aimed to know the role of media education in confronting electronic crimes, in the Faculty of Law, Shatma, Biskra, by highlighting media education as an independent variable, from its principles and standards, as well as electronic crimes as a dependent variable, through its characteristics, elements and effects, in order to achieve the objectives The research should use a set of methodological tools that achieve the objectives of the research and that are generally consistent with the curriculum, and given our choice of the descriptive approach, as our study is descriptive, the study population consists of a sample of law professors at the University of Biskra, and they used the questionnaire as a tool for data collection The study included four chapters: the first is related to the methodological aspect, the second is the theoretical aspect of media education, the third chapter is about cybercrime, and the fourth chapter is about the applied aspect . Media education has an important role in the lives of individuals, as it educates individuals about the use of the media, and individuals have a broadly positive impression about media education, and there is a contribution to the contents of media education in determining what an individual browses on the media to a large extent, and there is a significant achievement of media education at the level of The media , Cybercrime primarily seeks to achieve psychological and material benefits. In addition, individuals have knowledge of the laws that punish perpetrators of cybercrime. It was noted that the diversity of crimes varies with the diversity of websites and the different segments used for them. In light of this, media education can be developed with the development of cybercrime, where media institutions play A major role in activating the role of media education in confronting cybercrime .
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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