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dc.description.abstractThis study deals with the most important period of the history of the Saadian state, namely the period of Sultan Ahmed al-Mansur al-dhahabi(986-1012 Ah/1578-1603 ad), whose ERA was characterized by many characteristics and features, compared to the rest of the Sultans of the Saadian state, where this study monitors for us the most important of these transformations, which marked his reign, at many levels at the political level Morocco witnessed the Battle of Wadi Al-makhazen(986 Ah/ 1578 ad), which is considered a turning point in the history of modern Morocco, as it put an end to Iberian ambitions during the Morocco has also gained a good reputation in the Mediterranean region, through which Mansour was able to establish the foundations of his state, where he worked to bring about deep and comprehensive reforms at the internal level, and in The way to achieve this was to provide relative security and stability, after periods of unrest and rebellions, and he succeeded in achieving this as Maghreb became a destination and a kiss for many foreigners. On the economic level, al-Mansour worked on the recovery of economic life, as he introduced developments in various economic activities, on the agricultural level, al-Mansour worked on the reform of agricultural lands, the construction of dams and aqueducts, and also benefited from the experience of Andalusians and Jews in order to develop agriculture, especially with the agricultural potential contained in Morocco, but on the industrial side, he worked on providing precious metals and diversifying them, especially with his invasion of western Sudan, which opened new horizons for it, where Al-Mansour obtained Sudan's gold in addition to bringing Labor to Morocco, there were many factories in Morocco such as cane factories sugar as well as weapons factories. As for the commercial side, he also witnessed a wide commercial movement, especially in light of the availability of security and stability, in addition to the recovery of commercial ports from the Spaniards, thus expanding the scope of trade transactions with foreign countries, and spreading prosperity and well-being. As for the social level, Morocco has witnessed transformations at the level of the structure of society, as many foreign elements have flocked to Morocco, especially Andalusians, Jews, as well as the Ottoman, European and Sudanese elements.these expatriate elements have contributed to building the Saadi community. this study also monitors some of the natural disasters that Morocco witnessed during the Mansour period, which reflected on the economy as well as society, where the demographic growth of the population declined. this study also monitors for us the most important developments and updates that Morocco has witnessed at the level of official dress of the state, as well as religious celebrations as well as music.en_US
dc.titleالواقع الإقتصادي والإجتماعي للمغرب الأقصى في عهد أحمـــــد المنصــــور الذهــبي السعـــدي (986-1012هـ/1578-1603م)en_US
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences humaines

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