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dc.descriptionتخصص: إدارة إستراتيجيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed at identifying the perceptions of the University's Biskara frameworks (administrative staff and management professors) about the level of availability of strategic planning and the level of institutional performance, and determining the nature of the relationship and the impact between them. The study community shall be composed of all 113 "administrative officers and professors" of the University of Biskra. A simple random sample of a single size (40) was taken, where we distributed the questionnaire to all of them through several field visits, and recovered (30) a valid statistical analysis. Several statistical methods were used in statistical analysis of data: Analysis of variance, metrics of descriptive statistics (arithmetic average, standard deviation), multiple regression analysis.... etc. The study found several results, the most important of which was the level of strategic planning availability at the University of Biskra, which was averaged according to the measurement of the study, as well as the level of institutional performance therein, as well as a statistically significant impact of strategic planning in its different dimensions on the level of institutional performance at the university under consideration. The study concluded a number of suggestions, most notably: the views of university professors must be taken into account in planning and providing services and emphasizing the importance of their role in reaching the best results, and providing information to students on time. The University's management must also appropriately clarify its mission to its staff and encourage them to be creative in improving the quality of the services provided.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة محمد خيضر بسكرةen_US
dc.subjectstrategic planning, visibility, core capabilities, selection of strategic objectives, shared responsibility, corporate performanceen_US
dc.subjectالكلمات المفتاحية: تخطيط إستراتيجي، وضوح الرؤية، قدرات جوهرية، إختيار أهداف إستراتيجية، مسؤولية مش تركة، أداء المؤسسي.en_US
dc.titleأثر التخطيط الإستراتيجي في جودة الأداء المؤسس ي دراسة تطبيقية بجامعة بسكرةen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion (FSECSG)

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