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Title: Hystérésis du ressaut hydraulique contrôlé par seuil dans un canal rectangulaire
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2013
Abstract: A theoretical approach is proposed to compute the hysteresis of a controlled hydraulic jump by a broad crested sill in a rectangular channel, when the inflow is generated by a gate and by a standard spillway with an abrupt slope. The attention is focused on the calculation of both maximum and minimum inflow Froude number compatible with the formation of the hydraulic jump in the energy dissipator stilling basin. When the inflow is generated by a gate, the theoretical development shows that the inflow Froude number is linked to the relative sill height by a cubic equation which can be solved using trigonometric functions. When the inflow is generated by a standard spillway with an abrupt slope, the inflow Froude number and the relative sill are well defined by an involutive function.
Appears in Collections:CS N 08

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