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Title: Modélisation et Contrôle du système, Pile à Combustible, Convertisseurs et Supercondensateur
Authors: SAKER, Samah
Keywords: Fuel cells
PI controller
Sliding mode control
hybrid vehicle
chopper "boost" chopper "Buck-boost" DC Bus
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: In addition, they have a large time constant to respond for an increase or decrease power output. They are a clean, quiet, and efficient way to produce electricity. They need some kind of power conditioning circuits to be useful. The use of supercapacitors as a storage system for hybrid sources, using fuel cells or batteries, is quite appropriate, can shave peak load and compensates for the intrinsic limitations of the main source. Our work deals the design of hybrid energy sources, using a fuel cell as the primary source, a DC link and ultracapacitors as an energy source for the vehicle traction
Appears in Collections:Département de Génie Electrique magister

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