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Title: Etude et simulation d’un coupleur de signaux HF pour réseaux d’énergie électrique. Application : sélectivité logique des protections
Authors: Boughezala, Mohammed Salah
Keywords: Coupler
HF signals
logical selectivity
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Electrical networks deliver electrical energy required for different consumers. However, the continuity of supply of receivers is sought from the network design. The main functions of protection are brought into play in order to ensure continuity of service. The most used function is the protections of the max current against defects in short-circuit. This work is concerned with the use of the function. In the case of a protection system with has many levels, different protection are linked to each other with a logic selectivity with a polite cable and CPL. A program that helps simulate the max current protection has been developed in Simulink / Matlab.
Appears in Collections:Département de Génie Electrique magister

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