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Title: دور المنظمات غیر الحكومیة الدولیة في ترقیة الأمن الإنساني
Authors: - سھام, زنداقي
أمینة, دبابش
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2021
Abstract: Today the people of world suffer from a wave of serious threats that make them feel unconfortable. In this regard, international non governmental organizations have worked hard to improve human security of the individual. They have worked hard to improve human security, which is the subject of the current study that came under the the title"The Role of Non-Governmental Organizationss in Promoting Human Security." In this contet and in order to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical appraoch was adopted to explore the efforts of international non-governmental organizations via their achievments and the mechanisms they adopt in their endeavors, and the extent of their integration and coordination with each other, with the aim of promoting human security. Non-governmental organizations are considered among the most important actors who rely on them to activate the contents of human security, and to help build a suitable ground for developmental empowerment and ensuring its safety. We conclude from this study that despite the fact that international non-governmental organizations achieved the setting goals, and their fight against poverty and its support to human rights and its achievement in consolidating the dimensions of human security, it continue to face challanges and obstacles at various levels, so the role of these organizations remains a relative one. And in the light of the challenges that await them, due to the crisis that affect many places in the world, the remain reauired to strengthen their efforts and think about the mechanisms of their operation and renewal in order to become more effective.
Appears in Collections:Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques (FDSP)

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