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dc.description.abstractIn This study , I dealt with the issue of skepticism in both Augustine and Dascartes , two prominent philosophical , scholars from the Middle Ages and the modern era , respectively . Augustine considered doudt an obstacle to true faith , and not doubting the existence of Go dis necessary to reach the truth . While Descartes felt certain facts that could not be questioned by doubt , He used systematic doubt and reached the conclusion of the « Cogito » to reach the existence of the personal self and God , and considered doubt as a tool for the search for truth. Although there are some differences in approach , Descartes and Augustine can be considered among the first philosophers who explored the role of doubt in the search for truth , through which they were able to prove three truths : proving the existence of God ,proving the existence of God , and proving the existence of the external world . Doubt has an important role in the methodology of each of them , as they use dit for critical thinking , and searching for the truthen_US
dc.titleالشك بين أوغسطين وديكارت -دراسة تحليلية نقدية ومقارنةen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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