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Title: القیم الاجتماعیة في الكومیدیا التلفزیونیة الجزائریة
Authors: ملاك_برجي, احلام_ميمون
Keywords: social values, TV comedy, series
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
Abstract: Our study focused on the social aspect of the Algerian TV comedy an analytical study of the - series of mental poverty on Echorouk TVn societies were We started from a problem in which comedy and its role i talked about as an outlet that society groups resort to with the aim of ,entertainment and entertainment and a way out of the pressures of daily life as it is a means of expressing reality and its problems in a comical and rpurposeful manne So the main question came How did the Algerian TV comedy express social values through thepovertymental series on Echorouk TV as follows ,questions-This question includes a set of sub ? - ?sWhat is the nature of the language used in the mental poverty serie - ?included in the mental chain of povertyWhat is the nature of the values - ?What are the most important topics raised by the mental poverty series - What are the expressive forms included in the mental poverty series on Al- Shorouk TV? :The study aims to -Revealing the social values carried by the Algerian comedy through a sample of the mental poverty series. -Disclosure of the implicit goals of the Algerian television comedy. -Identify the issues and topics raised by the mental poverty series and the extent to which they correspond to the Algerian reality and the extent to which they embody it. we relied on the media survey approach as a descriptive ,In our study As for the .and on the content analysis tool to collect data ,analytical study it is represented in all episodes of the mental poverty ,unityresearch comm The sample of our study was the simple random .episodes 23which are ,series 07sample through which we obtained episodes ofmental poverty series We have reached a set of results, the most important of which are: - There were many values within the mental poverty chain, as it focused on positive values such as generosity, respect, modesty, love, and negative values such as irresponsibility, lying and hypocrisy, neglect and others. - The series relied on a group of persuasive methods, the most used of which are emotional grooming, which ranked first, and mental grooming, which ranked second. - The Mental Poverty series was directed to all people, i.e. to a general audience, as it is an entertaining social series. It also allocated some topics that it directed to a private audience. - The mental poverty series mixed between external and internal decoration in filming the scenes of its episodes.
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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