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Title: نقد بول ریكور للفلسفة البنیویة
Other Titles: العلوم االاجتماعية فلسفة عامة
Authors: قلالة مروة سلسبیل
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics came as a reaction to the linguistics of structure, sign, and deconstruction, in order to get out of a closed inner world fenced with structural constants and antagonistic dichotomies, to a broader world that relies on interpretation, subjectivity, and intentionality. This is how Paul Ricoeur worked to liberate structuralism from its absolute dimension, in which he described it as (come without a self), and if we are permitted to turn his saying, we can say that Ricoeur was structuralist for the criticism of hermeneutics, and hermeneutics for the criticism of structuralism, and therefore he was structuralist and not structuralist at the same time. Where he went beyond structuralism as a theory and its first links to self, ideology and history, while he took the structuralist approach and tried to include it in his hermeneutic philosophy as one of the epistemological dimensions in an objective reading of the text that clarifies its objective significance and the relationships that bind its elements
Appears in Collections:Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FSHS)

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