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Title: سياسة تجنيد المتطوعين في الجيش الجزائري خلال العهد العثماني 1519 - 1830 م
Authors: عبد_الرؤوف_بن_قاصير
Keywords: Conscription, Volunteer,
Army, Anatolia,
Local tribes, Algerian
regency, Ottoman Era.
الكلمات المفتاحية: التجنيد، التطوع، الجيش، الأناضول، القبائل المحلية، إيالة الجزائر، العهد العثماني
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: جامعة محمد خيضر بسكرة
Abstract: This study deals with a fundamental topic related to "The policy of recruiting volunteers in the Algerian army during the Ottoman era 1519-1830", which is thus one of the important topics in the modern history of Algeria because it explains in detail the policy pursued by the Ottoman authority in Algeria in preparing its military army, and this was done on two sides, the first was related to recruiting volunteers from the regions of the Ottoman Empire, and the second was embodied through the recruitment of volunteers from the local tribes in the Eyalet, led by the Zawawa Division and the Makhzen tribes, but The common denominator between the two sides is the application of the Ottoman authority to a set of strict laws in order to control the recruitment process for these volunteers, because the ultimate goal that it sought to embody through its adoption of this policy is to achieve safety and stability for the province and protect it from the various external dangers that it faced at all times .
Description: التخصص: تاريخ المغرب العربي الحديث
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences humaines

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