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Title: بنية الهوية الثقافية الجزائرية في المناهج المدرسية
Authors: الفتني_صديقة
Keywords: structure of cultural identity, school curricula,
second-generation curricula, primary education stage
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: جامعة محمد خيضر بسكرة
Abstract: The current study aims to identify the extent to which Arabic language textbooks in the primary education stage, according to the second-generation curricula, contribute to forming the structure of Algerian cultural identity, represented by: the dimension of Islamic religion, the dimension of the Arabic language, the dimension of national cultural history, and the dimension of national cultural heritage. The researcher used the content analysis method to achieve the desired study objectives, utilizing a content analysis taxonomy to collect data. As for the statistical methods, frequencies and percentages were relied upon. The study concluded that Arabic language textbooks in the primary education stage, according to the second-generation curricula, did not sufficiently contribute to the formation of the Algerian cultural identity structure. Indicators highlighting the importance of its dimensions did not appear, particularly the dimension of Islamic religion, which was only addressed through some values, manners, and ethics. Regarding the dimension of the Arabic language, the textbook focused on teaching grammar and some language skills such as written and oral expression without paying attention to the aesthetic aspect of the Arabic language and its richness. The textbooks did not significantly contribute to the formation of the dimension of national cultural history, and the cultural historical belonging of Algeria (Amazigh, Arab, Islamic) was not addressed, which could lead to the formation of a generation unaware of its cultural affiliations. Concerning the national cultural heritage, Arabic language textbooks did not give adequate attention to this dimension and did not allocate specific topics addressing aspects of our rich and diverse national cultural heritage.
Description: تخصص علم اجتماع التربية
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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