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Title: Les aspects technologiques des éoliennes et leur utilisation dans la production d’énergie dans les zones arides
Authors: BELGUIDOUM, Abdelhamid
Keywords: wind
wind power
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Wind energy isa promisingrenewable energyto replacefossil fuels.This paperdiscusses atechnological aspectof wind turbines.It examinesaspects relatedtothe wind. Thenhesets out specificequationsthat governthe operation of ahorizontal axis wind turbine, hencethe theory ofBetz,andthe use ofequationsof theaerodynamicaction of the wind, reaching theequations givingtheaerodynamicparameters of aperformanceblade.The importantcontribution of this workis to analyzethe mechanical behaviorof a wind turbinebladeNACAguy withdifferentconditions, innormal operation, burstinand endinstorm.The analysisinvolves thedesignof the blade withdesign software, en suiteimportof the blade inasoftwarefinite elementcalculation, it is necessary to modelevery effortsufferedthe blade.It was necessary toovercomethe difficulties related tothe complex geometryof the bladeand thejunction ofthe skin of thecomposite bladeinhisheartfoam.
Appears in Collections:Département de Génie Mécanique magister

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