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Title: دور الروافد الفكرية والجذور الإدارية لإدارة المعرفة في بناء تكنولوجيا المعرفة
Authors: د.غسان عيسى إبراهيم العمري
Keywords: Knowledge
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Technologies
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The research deals with concept of Knowledge Management and it’s importance & it clarifies the Intellectual resources and management roots of Knowledge Management as it’s involved in some Scientists & Researchers studies through out some figures & analyses of it’s contents which deals with Business. the Managemental roots of KM are: Transformation (Business Process Reengineering &Total Quality Management &Organizational Culture &Innovation & Information Management &Knowledge –Based Systems & Intellectual Assets/Capital &Learning Organization.The KM Technologies are: Artificial intelligence &Decision support systems &Case-based reasoning & Web-based discussion groups &Data Mining Technology.finaly the results and recommendations .
Description: جامعة عمان العربية.الأردن
ISSN: 1112-7902
Appears in Collections:REM 06

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